

Champaign County HOUSE Policies

  1. Consensus will be reached by discussion, with each member encouraged to participate freely and fully. The facilitator will ask for consensus when s/he feels an item has been discussed thoroughly and all points of view have been heard. A member can respond to the call for consensus by consenting, by taking no stand, or by blocking consensus. Consensus will only be reached when no one blocks it.
  2. The meeting facilitator will be responsible for putting out a call for agenda items two weeks before a meeting, and an agenda one week before a meeting so members may determine items of particular interest. The agenda will be distributed via the Champaign County HOUSE email list and include all topics for discussion that have been brought up before the facilitator. Items not on the agenda may be discussed if time permits, but no final action can be taken until a future meeting of Champaign County HOUSE.
  3. Champaign County HOUSE activities are organized for its membership and, unless specifically stated, are not open to the general public. Members must obtain approval from coordinators for specific events before inviting any guests, and understand that anyone attending Champaign County HOUSE activities must be willing to observe Champaign County HOUSE policies. Members bringing guests accept responsibility for their guests.
  4. Activities, products or services pertaining to home schooling may be brought to members’ attention through the Champaign County HOUSE email list. Because the concept of home school encompasses a broad array of interests, members are asked to be tolerant of notices that do not pertain to their individual home school needs.
  5. Champaign County HOUSE does not share its membership list with other organizations or individuals and the use of the list for promotional purposes, whether financial, religious, or political is not allowed. The privacy of Champaign County HOUSE members must be respected; therefore permission must be obtained before any information regarding any Champaign County HOUSE member is given out.
  6. Champaign County HOUSE will share photos privately among members and will not publicly display any photos without permission.

Revised July 2015

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